Nourishing Our Community: The Vital Role of Edmonton's Food Bank

Hey Edmontonians,

In our bustling city, where I help folks find their dream homes, it's essential to remember that not everyone has the comfort of a full plate. Edmonton's Food Bank plays a pivotal role in addressing this issue, ensuring that no one in our community goes hungry.

Why It Matters

Community Well-being: A well-fed community is a thriving community. The Food Bank contributes to the overall health and well-being of our neighbors, fostering a stronger, more resilient Edmonton.

Supporting Families: Many families face tough times, and the Food Bank provides a lifeline, ensuring parents can put nutritious meals on the table for their children.

Unity in Diversity: Our community is diverse, and the Food Bank unites us in a common cause — taking care of one another. It's a testament to the heart of Edmonton.

How You Can Help

Donate Non-Perishables: Consider contributing non-perishable food items. Every can and package makes a difference.

Financial Support: Monetary donations go a long way in ensuring the Food Bank can purchase fresh and essential items.

Volunteer Your Time: If you can spare some time, volunteering at the Food Bank is a hands-on way to make a direct impact.

Spread the Word: Raise awareness. Share information about the Food Bank on your social media platforms to encourage others to join the cause.

Remember, small actions collectively create significant change. Let's continue to make Edmonton a place where everyone has a seat at the table.


Home safety efforts heat up this summer

(NC) As many of our homes have transformed into makeshift offices and classrooms and we plan summer staycations, fire safety has become a priority.

With more regular activity in and around the home, the risk of hazardous home incidents, such as fires and carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning, may also increase. Here are the top three tips to help you and your family stay safe this summer:

Get alarmed. 
Even if you have alarms, you may not be sufficiently protected. Safety experts recommend installing smoke and CO alarms on every level and in every bedroom of your home. Test alarms regularly and replace the batteries every six months. To eliminate the need for battery replacements, upgrade to 10-year sealed battery alarms. But remember that alarms don’t last forever and should be replaced at least every 10 years.

Gear up to grill. 
Before you fire up the barbecue for your next cookout, position it well away from the house on a flat surface and give it a good cleaning to keep grease build-ups from catching fire. Equip yourself with long-handled tools to provide plenty of clearance from the heat and flames.

Just in case of an emergency, have a fire-extinguishing device on-hand, like First Alert EZ Fire Spray, a compact, lightweight spray can. With no pins to pull or levers to squeeze, it’s easier to handle than traditional fire extinguishers. Just point and spray to quickly put out a developing fire.

Make an escape plan. 
The warm weather makes summer the ideal time to plan and practice a home emergency plan with your entire family. Identify two exits out of each room, including windows and doors. Set a dedicated meeting spot a safe distance from the house and ensure everyone knows to call 911 only after they are safely outside. Be sure to practice your home escape plan at least twice a year, making drills as realistic as possible.

Learn more home safety tips at


Answers to Common Questions  About Preparing Your Home to Sell

Sellers are motivated to get the best price for their homes, but they don't always know what that entails. Real estate agents often meet with sellers who think they need to spend thousands of dollars remodelling in order to market their home, or at the other extreme, sellers who expect a high price but don't want to put in the work. 

While the amount of work you should put into your home before selling depends on your local market, in general, the truth lies somewhere in between these two extremes. To demystify the process, here are answers to five questions that we often hear from sellers, presented by Jason Hafso of MaxWell Challenge Realty.

What Should I Repair?

Begin with any deferred maintenance such as the water heater, a roof tune-up, and crawl space insulation. Most buyers are shopping for a move-in-ready home and don't want to spend time and money on major repairs before occupying the house. That's why it's often recommended to handle major repairs before selling. If you don't, you could end up losing more than the cost of repairs due to low offers and a protracted sale process. If you don't have the time, money or drive to complete major repairs before putting your home on the market, it's important to price your house accordingly. Don't think you can sneak problems past a buyer; if an issue is present, it will be noticed during the buyer's inspection.

Minor household repairs are an easier call. While homeowners grow accustomed to quirks including sagging doors and squeaky floorboards, such issues distract prospective buyers and cause your house to be remembered as “the one with the sketchy railing” instead of “the one with the great family room.”

Should I Renovate Before Selling?

Once repairs are complete, the sellers' next question is usually about cosmetic improvements. Expensive projects like upgrading kitchen appliances usually aren't necessary unless they're majorly outdated. Instead, focus on low-cost, high-impact updates. Which renovations are best for your return on investment are dependent on the local market so defer to your real estate agent on this subject.  

How Much Does Curb Appeal Really Matter?

The one area where it's worthwhile to go above and beyond is your home's exterior. The first step in selling a home is making a great first impression, but that's hard to do without great curb appeal. If your plantings are sparse, potted plants are a quick fix that lets you avoid transplant shock. Container plants near the entrance are also a great way to spruce up your front porch.

Pay attention to driveways and walkways: In addition to washing these surfaces, homeowners should fix unsightly cracks. For concrete driveways, follow instructions from Bob Vila. If your driveway is asphalt, Lowe's will show you how.

Do I Need to Deep Clean?

No one wants to buy a dirty house, so it makes sense to deep clean before showing your home (cleaning service will typically charge between $75 and $125). In addition to keeping floors, windows and counters clean, take note of odours lingering in your home. If carpet and upholstery cleanings fail to eliminate an unpleasant odour, turn your nose to the air ducts. Air ducts and vents can host a variety of odour-causing contaminants such as pet dander and mildew; if your ventilation system is the source of odour, you'll need to schedule a professional duct cleaning to solve the problem. 

Once a home is sold, it's standard to leave it “broom clean” for buyers. However, some contracts may stipulate the house is to be deep cleaned before changing hands. Talk with your agent so you're clear about what level of cleanliness your contract requires.

If your agent instructs you to clean, repair and update your home before showing it, he's not just giving you a hard time. Homes that have been cleaned show better, which leads to less time on the market and higher offers. Unless maximizing your sale price isn't a priority, completing these tasks is in your best interest as a seller.

Jason Hafso of MaxWell Challenge Realty is passionate about helping people buy or sell homes. Call me at 780-964-7335 if you’re ready to get the process started!

Suzie Wilson has been an interior designer for over 20 years. What started as a hobby, turned into a passion for creating soothing spaces in homes of every size and style. Her debut book, The Ultimate Guide to Prepping Your Home for an Open House is COMING SOON to online retailers and bookstores near you!


Top home renovations to invest in this fall

(NC) Today, many families are focused on improving their homes instead of spending money on vacations and entertainment outside. With autumn as your last major chance to renovate before the winter, here are some of the best projects to tackle now for maximum enjoyment of your space.

Upgrade your kitchen
The kitchen is the heart of your home, and where you’ll be spending lots of time cooking for the holidays and entertaining your small social circle. So, give it a facelift to make sure it’s a bright and welcoming environment. A great DIY project is painting the cabinets in a bold or warm shade and updating the hardware in a metallic neutral. You can also invest in sleek, energy-efficient appliances for a clean, modern aesthetic and get fresh seasonal linens for your tablescape.   

Finish your basement
A finished basement extends your living space and has an excellent return on investment. It’s also the perfect place to turn into a spacious dedicated home office, so you can finally stop working on your dining table or couch and boost your productivity and comfort. But whether you want to turn your basement into that, a rec room or in-law suite, the first step is installing a high-performance subfloor. The best option for this is Dricore subfloor panels, which are designed with air gap technology to help protect against mould and moisture and keep floors dry, comfortable and cozy all year. It’s an easy DIY project, as the panels are easy to install and a room only takes half a day to do.

Elevate your exteriors
Not only does the exterior of your home make the first impression, it can also extend your living space – which is crucial when we’re working, living and playing at home. Make the most of it with areas you can spend time in even when the temperature drops. For example, you can create a sitting area to relax in or host smaller outdoor get-togethers for your social bubble by screening in your porch or installing an awning over your backyard patio. Laying down Dricore panels can work here too, as they will make cold surface feel warmer, softer and cozier for your feet. Complete the space with a heating lamp and you’ll be able to enjoy your exteriors almost all year-round.


How home design trends are evolving for physical distancing

(NC) COVID-19 has brought changes to everything, and home design is no exception. Experts are expecting to see lasting impacts on everything from the materials we use to the rooms we prioritize. Check out these and other noteworthy trends:

Houses over apartments. Many people who live in condos or apartments do so to be closer to the action – work, entertainment and shops – and never planned on spending much time at home. But the pandemic has changed that, and more people are going to want a home that offers plenty of room and outdoor space in case they need to self-isolate again.

Self-sufficiency: A hard lesson we’ve learned is that things and services we thought we could count on aren’t necessarily a sure thing, so items that increase self-reliance will become very popular. Expect to see more homes with sources of energy like solar panels, sources of heat like fireplaces and stoves and even urban and indoor gardens that allow you to grow your own produce.

Outdoor living. Between playgrounds closing and parks becoming overcrowded, many of us are turning to our balconies, patios and backyards for fresh air and nature. This means we’re going to be investing more in our outdoor spaces, with functional kitchens, soothing water features, cozy firepits and high-quality outdoor furniture to create a much-needed escape.

Healthier spaces. Thanks to spending more time indoors and reprioritizing our health, we’ll turn to design to help ensure our homes are safe and healthy for our families. We’ll see a rise in products like water filtration systems as well as materials that improve indoor air quality. For new homes and additions, alternatives to wood-framing like insulated concrete forms from Nudura, which offer improved ventilation for healthier indoor air quality and an environment that’s less susceptible to mould, will be key.

Home office space. Business experts are suggesting many companies will see that working from home is not only possible but offers tangible benefits, like saving money on office space rent. With working from home on the rise, creating a home office space that inspires productivity will be a major project many of us tackle. Luxury home office furniture that feels chic and blends into your décor as well as ergonomic chairs and desks will see a major boost.

Custom and quality. With the hit to the economy, people are going to be buying less, but what they do buy will be better quality, while at the same time making an effort to support Canadian businesses. When it comes to design, trends will shift to locally made furniture, custom-built homes and pieces and materials that stand the test of time.

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