Unlocking Potential: Adding a Secondary Suite to Your Edmonton Home

If you're considering renovating your Edmonton home, adding a secondary suite can be a smart move. It not only enhances your living space but also opens up opportunities for rental income. Before you dive into the renovation adventure, let's break down some key aspects.


Renovation costs can vary, but it's essential to budget for both the construction and potential hidden expenses. On average, expect to invest $50,000+, but this can go up depending on the extent of the changes needed.


Edmonton has specific regulations for secondary suites. Before you start knocking down walls, check with the city to ensure you're compliant. Permits are required, covering safety and zoning regulations. It's a crucial step to avoid issues down the road. You can visit the official City of Edmonton - Secondary Suites page, with information on permits, guidelines and regulations for suites in Edmonton.

Things to be Aware of

Consider the existing layout of your home and how the addition will impact it. Plumbing and electrical systems might need adjustments. Also, think about the logistics of creating a separate entrance for the suite.

Potential Pitfalls

Renovations can uncover surprises. Be prepared for unexpected challenges, like outdated wiring or plumbing issues. Having a contingency fund will help you navigate these bumps in the road without derailing your project.


Adding a secondary suite comes with perks. Beyond extra income from renting it out, it can increase your property value. The additional living space can also make your home more attractive to potential buyers if you decide to sell in the future.

Other Considerations

Think about the type of tenant you want to attract and design the suite accordingly. Also, keep in mind that managing a rental property comes with responsibilities, so be ready to take on the role of a landlord.

In a nutshell, renovating to add a secondary suite in Edmonton can be a game-changer. Just be sure to do your homework, secure the necessary permits, and have a realistic budget in place. It's an investment that can pay off both now and in the future.

Here are a couple more resources that may help:

Alberta - Secondary suites - Building codes

RenovationFind - What is Needed to Build a Legal Secondary Suite in Edmonton

Happy renovating!


How automation can keep your home secure

(NC) Whether you’re planning a sunny getaway to escape the cold or are back in the office on a regular basis for the first time in years, it’s reasonable to be worried about your home when it’s empty. The good news is, there are easy ways to keep a watchful eye.

Keep it bright 
While the days are getting longer, illuminating your walkway and entryways after dark can deter people from approaching your property. Set your lights up on timers or install motion-sensitive models.

Get smart with security 
While you shouldn’t live in fear, theft and break-and-entering do occur. For an easy and effective way to monitor your home, consider an all-in-one smart security system that includes 24/7 monitoring and real-time alerts. That way, you’re immediately notified of activity around your home such as someone walking up your driveway or if a door or window has been opened.

Automate from anywhere 
Whether you’re out shopping at the mall or visiting relatives out of town, take advantage of the ability to secure and control your home from anywhere with an all-in-one smart security system such as Telus SmartHome Security. Schedule or manually turn your lights on and off to give the illusion someone is home, or lock and unlock your doors when your children get home from school. True automation can provide added peace of mind and security from near or far.


Smart ways to save for a house or condo

(NC) With Canada’s housing market hotter than ever, saving up a down payment can feel impossible. But wise spending and saving decisions can add up over time. Here, Vanessa Bowen, money expert and accountant, offers simple yet effective ways to save for the home you’ve had your eye on.

Ensure you have a good credit score
A better credit score means that you can qualify for lower interest rates and loans that you may require when investing in a future property. Working to improve your overall credit score, such as by avoiding late bill payments, will help make your savings go further as you look towards purchasing the house or condo of your dreams.

Contribute lump-sum payments to your savings
Large annual payments such as a work bonus or your tax return can be added as lump-sum contributions to your savings. Contributing larger sums helps you reach your end-goal more quickly, so remember to save these payments. It’s money you don’t count on in your day to day anyway, so it’ll be easier to set aside and watch your savings steadily grow.

Switch to a no-fee bank account
A small step that you can take that will add up to big savings in the long run is switching to a no-fee bank account. The PC Money Account is the bank account reimagined with no monthly fees and opportunities to earn PC Optimum Points on every dollar spent everywhere you shop. Now, instead of having to pay monthly banking fees, you can put your hard-earned money towards saving up for a house or condo.

Cut down on unnecessary spending
Try cutting back on expenses such as takeout food and shopping for things you may not actually need, like subscription services. Instead, put this money, which could potentially add up to thousands each year, towards a significant investment opportunity, such as a future home.


Water damage is on the rise – is your home protected?

(NC) In recent years, water damage from flooding has become increasingly common across Canada. In fact, the Insurance Bureau of Canada says that water damage accounts for nearly half of all insurance claims, and the frequency and cost of these claims has risen dramatically in recent years.  

Some of this increase in property water damage is due to climate change, with strong storms becoming more frequent and lasting longer. Infrastructure in many areas is old or inadequate and unable to handle the volume of water associated with these new storms as well as flash floods or snowmelt.  

Sewer backups are also occurring more often, both with old systems and with newer ones that are designed to handle both rain and sewer water. Faulty plumbing is another factor that can contribute to water damage, especially in aging, poorly constructed or poorly designed buildings. 

Despite these concerns, a poll from the Insurance Bureau of Canada revealed that more than a quarter of people don’t know if their property insurance policies cover flooding, while another 45 per cent only “think” they do. Not knowing whether you have coverage for water damage can be costly.   

Fortunately, according to Aviva Canada, one of Canada’s largest insurance providers, there are things you can do to help protect your property: 

  • Perform regular maintenance on plumbing systems, including sanitary lines and hot water tanks. Have water and sewer lines scoped to reveal damage from tree roots. Test shut-off valves to ensure they will work in an emergency. 
  • Pay attention to your building envelope. Roof leaks are one of the most common causes of water damage, especially in areas that are prone to freezing weather, strong winds and hail. So, it’s important to maintain the condition of your roof and clear your downspouts and drains of obstructions. Caulk your windows to ensure an adequate seal, and make sure grading slopes away from your premises. 
  • Is your water hard or soft? Depending on where you live, the quality of water can affect your appliances and plumbing systems, causing them to deteriorate much more quickly. Water softeners are available for hard water areas, but you could consider using a softener for soft water areas too, as soft water can lead to corrosion of copper piping. 
  • Technology can monitor and even reduce issues related to fluctuations in building temperature. Water detection and shut-off systems can prevent damage from burst pipes due to freezing or leaking of your hot water tank. Installing these systems can help eliminate or reduce loss to your property,  particularly when you’re not there. 

Talk to your insurance broker about what level of water damage your current homeowner’s insurance covers and what additional insurance you might need. Find one in your area today at 


Provincial Property Assessment notices have arrived in the mail, giving some homeowners a big smile and a bit more spring in their step (increased property taxes aside), while others wilt and lament at a modest gain or decrease in assessed value.

Hold on a sec, neither this assessment document nor either party's emotions, are tied to current true market value. In fact, provincial property assessments can be significantly too high or too low. Values are determined in July of the previous year, and properties are rarely visited in person by provincial appraisers.

For this reason, provincial property assessments should never be solely relied upon as any sort of relevant indicator of true market value for the purposes of purchase, sale, or financing.

Think of the assessed value, instead, as something akin to a weather forecast, spanning far larger and more diverse areas than the unique ecosystem that is your neighbourhood, your specific street, or your specific property. A weather forecast made the previous July, not the previous week. This is when assessed values are locked in; a full six months prior to the notices being mailed out.

What's my home really worth?

Usually, market value is determined by what a buyer is willing to pay for a home, and what the seller is willing to accept.

A quick survey of recent sales and their relation to assessed values will often demonstrate no clear relationship between the sale price and assessed value. It's often all over the map; some properties selling well below assessment and others well above.

You also want an experienced and local Realtor to help you determine the selling price of your home. A (busy & local) Realtor will have a far better handle on what is happening in your area for prices than does a government document, and in many instances will save you from yourself.

In theory, a comprehensive current market review completed by a Realtor should not differ radically from the value determined by a professional appraiser.

Professional Appraisers spend all day every day appraising properties, and their reports are often seen as less biased. Imagine your reaction, as a buyer, to the following statements…:

  1. The seller says their house is worth $500,000.
  2. The seller's Realtor says it's worth $500,000.
  3. This house is listed at $500,000 based on a professional (marketing) appraisal.

Most buyers would consider #3 the most reliable of the above statements. And most buyers requiring financing will have the benefit of the lender ordering their own independent appraisal to confirm the fair market value. Sellers rarely order an appraisal in advance, which can create some interesting situations.

In practice, Realtors are relied upon for listing price estimates. Most buyers dont care much about what anybody else thinks the house is worth. Buyers care what they think it is worth. This is why we say that market value is ultimately determined by what a buyer is willing to pay for the home, aligned with what is acceptable to the seller.

It is important to note that there are two kinds of professional appraisals. There is the marketing appraisal, such as one ordered by a seller. And there is the financing appraisal, which is done so the bank is satisfied the house is worth what the buyer and seller have agreed it's worth. The financing appraisal is a less in-depth review and is essentially answering the question; is this property worth the agreed-upon purchase/sale price.

A marketing appraisal goes deeper (and costs more) but a lender is not concerned with the actual market value over and above the purchase/sale price. A lender just wants the simple question answered. It is a rare day that the appraisal for financing has a value that differs significantly, if it all, from the sale price. Therefore, one should not be surprised if, when buying a home, they find that the appraisal comes in bang on at the purchase price. As they do 99% of the time.

The 1% of the time that the value is off it is almost always a private transaction where the seller has had no professional guidance at all and has inadvertently set their price below market by relying on something as inaccurate as their AB Assessment document.

Eva Neufeld
Accredited Mortgage Professional
Mortgage Tailors


Minor renovations that make a major difference

(NC) Renovations can be a daunting task. If your goal is to increase your property value, smaller upgrades can provide a higher return on your investment.

Here are some budget-friendly projects for key areas of your home that can boost your property value:

Kitchen. You don’t need a complete remodel to increase the value of this space – it can be as simple as focusing on one thing, such as cabinets or countertops. Refacing old cabinets by adding a fresh coat of paint, a new finish or updated knobs can bring new life to your kitchen. Adding new granite countertops is an easy way to modernize an older kitchen. Make sure to choose a countertop that fits with the price point and aesthetic of your home.

Bathroom. The bathroom is where most of us begin and end our day; modernizing it is a great way to increase your property value. New floors or shower tiles will give the illusion of a complete makeover. Updating the vanity, sink or mirror are also inexpensive options. Smaller bathroom projects like these can have high appeal to future buyers.

Windows. These are often overlooked in renovations. However, upgrading windows is a great idea for both aesthetic and energy-saving purposes. In cooler climates you can purchase windows with insulating properties, and in warmer climates you can purchase those that reflect sunlight.

Deciding on the right budget to suit your needs can be hard, but worrying about the financing shouldn’t hold you back. For an easy way to finance these renos, check out The Home Depot Project Loan, available across Canada.

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